Nick from Utah
2013-04-14 17:33:51 UTC
What I've tried so far: I went to REI the other day, and bought a $30 heavy duty underwater plastic baggie with a hard lens opening that goes over the camera lens part. I tried it out with the digital camera I already have and noticed the pictures are okay if I don't use the flash, but once I use the flash the pictures come out very cloudy. That was the AquaPac brand, and I'm not sure if the DiCaPac brand name underwater baggie would be any better or not. As an alternative, I'm not sure if those "hard case" underwater housings take care of this "flash problem", although with how much they cost for my particular snapshot camera model, it may be cheaper just to buy a real underwater camera. I'd also be worried that a hard case housing wouldn't be useful if I decide to upgrade cameras later on, since they're specific to the camera model?
So, moving the story forward, at Costco there's an underwater camera usually $300, but I just bought it on sale for $150, trying to figure out if I should open it or return it. It's a Nikon Coolpix AW100. It's waterproof to 33 ft, drop proof to 5 ft, and has "underwater mode" (although the camera I already have has an "aquarium mode", not sure if that would help or not).
My Question: I'm not sure if it would be best to go with the Nikon AW100, or get a better underwater heavy duty baggie case with the hard lens to go with my existing digital camera (so that I can always upgrade my digital camera later on), or some other option?
The underwater camera I found at Costco is
If I do get some underwater housing, the digital camera I have now is a Canon Powershot A720 IS that I got in 2007
The type of underwater housing which gave me foggy pictures when using the flash was
The housing which I haven't tried but don't know if it would be better is