Wow - you are in for a treat - congratulations!
If this is your first trip out there be prepared to be blown away!!
Sharks? Red Sea? Dangerous? Sure - they have big teeth, eat things and a desire to hunt but mainly they keep away from divers. For example Sharl Reef in Sharm no longer has any (?) sharks apparently because the bubbles put them off.
Anyway the standard drill is to let sharks have their own territory and not attempt to encroach on it.
Sharks may show interest in you which is normal but if they start circling, humping their backs and looking agitated it is time to gently move away.
Good tips if it looks like they are getting too interested is to get your back to the reef (So they cannot circle round you) and to have something handy to hit them on the snout with! Maybe a shaker (noise maker) or pair of scissors etc.
I do not know anyone who has actually had to hit a shark but apparently their snouts are very sensitive so hitting them there is as good a place as any.
Reality - If you do see a shark - it will make your day. You will get back onto you boat whooping and hollering with the rest of your buddies.
Danger? - not if you listen to your brief and - at least till you are happy - dive in the team that has the most experienced dive leader / guide in it.
And tell them at the brief that you may feel a bit nervous. If anyone laughs - put them down as a nerd!
Wow - such joy coming up for you!
Good luck and safe diving!