wow! the way everyone has been answering makes it seem like swimming sucks!
so what happens the first day is the coach will have everyone swim a bit, then he will put you all into lanes based on ability. most likely, you will not be in the slowest lane, those are almost always the people who dont know how to swim. then the coach has the team do sets based on the lanes ability. your coach will know what you can and can not make, so it will be suited especially for you. your coach will push you though, if you start to think you cant make a set, just try for a little while longer, most likely you can, your coach wouldnt waste time on having you do a set you cant do.
I suck at running too, but im on the varsity team and going to districts next week, so your running speed doesnt say much.
before the first practice, make sure you have the proper equiptment. dont show up in beachwear, make sure you have a competitive suit
im not sure if you know this but sets are usually given like this:
4 on the 1:30
3 on the :50
Now if that was your set, that means 100s (4 lengths) times 4
then 50's (2 lengths) times 3.
when your coach says leaving on the top, that means on the 60 on the clock.
sorry if you already know this.
here is the list of events that you compete in at meets.
200 medly relay
200 free
200 IM
50 free
Diving (there is a separate team for diving)
100 fly
100 free
500 free
200 freestyle relay
100 back
100 breast
400 free relay
each team member usually gets at least 2 races (one individual one relay)
but sometimes more depending on the size of your team.
as for practice, my team does 2 hours monday through friday after school. We dont do dryland, we just spend more time in the pool, since it is swimming. we can do weights and stuff on our own time, but might as well use our coach for swimming while he's here.
swimming in the morning is usually optional for most teams, it is on mine. but even if its not it is only 3 times a week.
then there is saturday practice. they are usually 3 hours, 2.5 maybe, but saturday is usually more distance and endurance stuff.
hmm.. i think thats about it, i hope i didnt discourage you. swimming is an amazing sport and you will be sooo surprised on how fast you improve, it is soo cool to feel yourself getting better.
happy swimming!