Mike, no one can answer this question but you.
A good mask is one that fits you properly. It may cost 50 bucks, it may cost 150 bucks. It all depends on your face. Get into a dive shop and start trying them on. The best way to find a good fit is to do the following:
1/ Place the mask against your face, do NOT put the strap on, let it hang.
2/ Inhale slightly from your nose. Remove the hand holding the mask.
3/ If that mask stays without any interference from you ( no cheating by inhaling again) for 25-30 seconds, then you found an ok fit. Longer than that, a really good fit. Put that mask in the "maybe" pile or " Yeah baby!" pile. If the mask falls before the time is up..it's a reject, don't bother with looking at it again no matter how much you like it's colour, style or price. It doesn't fit you and will constantly flood. It may be a high end, full of features, 150 dollar mask but it's absolutely useless for you and using saran wrap over sun glasses would probably be preferable.
4/ Re test and price compare the "maybe" pile and "Yeah Baby!!!" pile of masks and take your pick from them. Those work for your face. The Yeah Baby's will be better for your fit but the maybe's will work too.
As for your fins. Again...it's you who answers this question. What works for some people doesn't work for others. Some like splits, some like blades. It depends a lot on your kick style. For example, I can't use splits. For me they're slow and I go nowhere fast. I can beat anyone I know with my old Blades because that's my kick style and I can go forever on them. The reverse may be true for you. Get out there and start trying them on in real world conditions. Rent for awhile or borrow different sets until you find something you like.