It's going to be best fit and what sort of diving you plan on. STAY AWAY from online sales for numerous reasons, the main one being unsafe gear that's sold there. It's not uncommon for an online "dive shop" to get rid of factory seconds and defective gear this way. Besides, you won't get a proper fit, nor will you get personal service, both important as this gear will need servicing by a pro and if it doesn't fit, it can be dangerous. By buying at your local shop, you also help support it. It’s hard to find buddies via an online store. It’s easy in the dive shop and beers can be on the menu after the dive.
Just about all the major manufacturers of gear have been around a long time and are quite reputable, so it's going to boil down to type of diving (warm/cold, wreck/reef/cave, travel gear/stay at home gear, etc), the fit of the gear ( it may be rated the best but if it doesn't fit you, it's the same as it being the worst) and your price range.
If you plan on doing a lot of local diving, hit your nearest dive shops and take note of which manufacturers they deal and what they recommend for local conditions, then start trying stuff on. If at all possible, rent it to try before buying. Many shops rental gear will be the same as they deal.
Your number one consideration in where to spend the bucks, starts with the Regs, then the BC. Get the best you can afford for the diving you'll do.
My Xmas list? Lol, none. I have at least two of everything.
Apeks and Scuba Pro regs, Dive Rite Trans Pac and OMS BC's, Cressi Sub and Ocean Master masks, USD and Bare wet suits ( 7mm 2 pc with integrated hood and 5mm 2 pc respectively), Viking vulcanized rubber and Brooks crushed neo dry suits, Mares Quattro closed heel and Old style Blade open heel fins.
Dive computers are an old beat up ( my fav though) B'Air and an Uwatec Galileo that I use on tech dives. It replaced my old Aladin.
What I'm going to use of all that depends on the dive(s). I may lug all of that to a site, I may just take half, I may mix it up.